Vivek Oberoi to perform bhoomipujan of drama theatre's compound wall

Vivek Oberoi to perform bhoomipujan of drama theatre's compound wall

unimportant things to earn name and fame has become a regular feature of the local politicians in the district.
Meanwhile, sources informed that the Slate Government had sanctioned total Rs 3.70 crore for the construction of drama theatre some years ago. The estimated cost of the theatre was around Rs 4 crore. Following insufficient funds, Ballarpur Municipal Council had sanctioned remaining Rs 30 lakh to complete the construction work. After finishing necessary formalities, the councillors headed by Chhaya Madavi, Civic Chief, on August 9. performed bhoomipojan of drama theatre. And. accordingly, the construction of theatre has been launched within effect. There is much talk about the compound wall that what is the key point to perform bhoomipujan of the compound wall in the chief presence of noted actor Vivek Oberoi.


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